Looks Maxing Tips

My Looksmaxxing Tips

In this article I will outline my own tips on increasing your physical attractiveness (aka “looksmaxxing”) and why it is so important, based upon what I have done so far and will continue to do for the foreseeable future. I will give giving proven benefits and ways in which you can become more physically attractive. I will outline the main individual tips in future articles and videos, this is just a brief summary.


Main Tips:

  • Get a haircut which suits your skull.
  • Tan if you are pale (either self-tan or real). Just don’t look orange and make sure that it is even.
  • Properly groom and style/shape your facial hair. Use peppermint oil for your facial hair (legit).
  • Address thinning hair/balding properly. Personally I have used microneedling, peppermint oil, bi-estro/estriol cream, emu oil and Ketoconazole 2% cream for my hair and seen outstanding results. Microneedling, emu oil and bi-estro/estriol cream are also good for your skin. Try this method if you wish or just use finasteride. If your hair is too far gone then either shave it or look at HT or non surgical procedures.
  • Get in good shape/lift. A lean and muscular/athletic build is best. No need to go over the top, just to the point where you look good/built both with a shirt on as well as without.
  • Stay hydrated. Staying hydrated can help to keep your skin youthful and firm.
  • Have a good skin care regimen.
  • Use SPF30 minimum every day to prevent premature ageing. Preferably use PA++++ as this is even more effective in preventing premature ageing.
  • Moisturise your face and hands. Dry hands can be rather offputting. This is especially important if you work in construction or other manual labour jobs.
  • Groom your eyebrows (don’t overdo it).
  • Pluck unibrow.
  • Wear clothes which properly fit. Look stylish. Also make sure that the colours you wear suit you.
  • Train your neck. A thicker neck will help to make you have a more filled out frame and a general stronger look.
  • Improve your posture. This is particularly important for when you want to appear relaxed and confident.
  • Improve testosterone. What use is looking good if you can’t even get it up?
  • Get plenty of good quality sleep (at least seven/eight hours). Tips for sleeping better: make your room as cold and as dark as possible, only use your bedroom for sleep and sex, try to avoid too much screen time before bed (maybe read a book or meditate) and find the time in which you tend to wake up and work around it via your sleep schedule.
  • Whiten/straighten teeth and make sure that your breath is fresh. For whitening your best bet is professional whitening or an at home whitening kit/strips. Pearl Drops toothpaste is decent for whitening, although it’s quite minimal. Invisalign is pretty good for straightening and tends to be much more cost friendly than actual surgery.
  • Potentially wear height increasing insoles if you are average height/short. Don’t go more than 3″ though as you may have some explaining to do eventually.
  • Wear a nice aftershave/cologne. Don’t overdo this. Two sprays is enough. Make sure that the scent matches the season too. Try some nice scented body wash too. Molton Brown or Arran Sense of Scotland I’d personally recommend.
  • Try to avoid sugars and dairy. Keep your diet in check as this can show on your face (acne, bloating, inflammation, etc.). Anti-inflammatory foods and foods high in antioxidants can make a huge difference. Examples include salmon, extra virgin olive oil, tomatoes, berries, spinach, garlic, ginger, seeds, sweet potatoes, avocado and pineapple.
  • Make sure that your hygiene is on point. Wash your twice face daily both in the morning and before bed.
  • Use castor oil for eyelashes/eyebrows if necessary. Eyelashes are often overlooked but can enhance your eyes. Thick eyebrows are a masculine trait and help to frame the face.
  • Try meditation and to keep away from stressful situations.
  • Keep alcohol to a minimum and avoid drugs and smoking.
  • Wear the right colours of clothing. Make sure that it suits your skin tone, hair colour, eye colour, etc. Believe it or not this is more important than you may think and women notice this.
  • Keep your tongue pressed at the roof of your mouth and breathe through your node. This is critical if you are still in your development, but it’s important for any age.
  • Now if you are legitimately deformed/ugly then you are going to have to make a choice. Potentially look at surgical procedures to correct it or try to alleviate it as best you can. However ALWAYS make sure that this is what you actually want and speak to a professional beforehand.

I will do my utmost best to continue doing these things for the rest of my life as I personally do not see any reason to look my absolute best in my youth and then look horrible in my older years talking about my great past life. This happens far too often.

It’s also important to note that “personality” and how you carry yourself are very important too, but you generally have to pass a certain looks threshold in order to have a chance. works too, as long as you’re past a certain looks threshold. I’ll give an example: say if you and a guy are both going for the same girl who is attracted to both of you and you’re at a similar looks level, height, income, race, etc then she will likely choose the guy with the better “game” (I.e. funnier, more masculine, confident, etc). It’s best to have all areas covered.

One other thing to remember that contrast is HUGE. I’ll give an example: I’m dark blonde with dark eyebrows and light coloured eyes. A tan on me works really well due to this. Find what works best for you and stick with it. Try different styles or looks and decide which works best in terms of results or 

In conclusion like with anything it is good to ensure that you are making the most of your potential. Whilst looks are very important (there is no way around this) you cannot dwell on these things and become obsessed by it. Instead acknowledge it and do your best to work your way around it by addressing any flaws you may have, making the most of your strong points and being consistent with your journey.

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